What is organic cotton?
Organic cotton is produced using techniques and materials that have a low impact on the environment. For example, the cotton is grown without the use of pesticides or artificial fertilisers and is spun without the addition of chemicals. The crop is protected against harmful insects in a natural way by, for example, the use of butterflies. All this ensures that organic cotton is better for both the environment and the health of the cotton farmers and their animals.
The clothing of organic cotton.
Organic cotton clothing is more comfortable for sensitive skin because it is natural and does not contain irritating dyes. In addition, it is softer and thicker than conventional cotton, which is why organic cotton clothing lasts longer. This is because the fibres of conventional cotton are weakened by the chemicals used in production.
Why organic cotton?
The normal picking of cotton is dangerous for your health. Cotton cultivation is said to use a quarter of all insecticides worldwide. The heavy use of artificial fertilisers, pesticides and fungicides in cotton cultivation pollutes land, rivers and wildlife. But cotton pickers and people living in the vicinity of cultivation areas are also exposed to the many chemicals, with serious consequences for their health. Many chemicals are also used in the processing of the fibres into fabric.
So it is better for the farmer and the textile workers. In addition, 91% less water is needed for organic cotton and there are fewer CO2 emissions. It is also more animal friendly and that is important too!